Strengthening Families Through Services

Stronger Families = Stronger Communities
Inspire to Rise, Inc. is a charitable organization focused on holistically helping make the community a little better, happier, and healthier place. We Inspire to help individuals Rise to become their best self.
Inspiring through Community Behavioral. Health Services.
Inspiring through Community Education.
Inspiring through Community Services.
Inspiring through the Arts.
Inspiring through Peer Support Services.
Inspiring through Collaborative Community Partnership Initiative.
To help build a stronger community; a safe, inviting environment is key to deliver the necessary services. It is for this reason that Inspire to Rise established a Community Center on the West Side of Jacksonville, FL.
A place to provide resources that are evidence-based.
A place where collaborative partnerships, supportive services, and multidisciplinary teams can utilize best practices to impact the lives of many children, families, and individuals in need.

To inspire and empower children, families, and individuals to rise, overcome, and shine through their most challenging moments in life to become their best self.

The focus is to address an individual and family’s protective factors and rebuild and sustain an improved quality of life in the community, focusing on:
Integrating those struggling with substance abuse and mental health issues back into the community,
Addressing & reversing the effects of trauma,
Serving as a resource center promoting protective factors,
Breaking the cycle of child abuse & neglect,
Addressing some of the needs of those struggling with poverty,
Assisting with the personal growth & overall wellness of those we serve, and
Strengthening families.
The belief is Stronger Families = a Stronger Community.

Whether you help through in-kind and financial donations, sponsoring a project, volunteering your time, or spreading our mission and services through word-of-mouth; we thank you. We could not accomplish our mission and goals without the help of supporters like you.
Your generous gift will help us fund our mission to help those in need. Together, we can make a difference and inspire others!